How To Wear Headphones With Long Hair? – [9 Effective Tricks]

You cannot work for a long time with ease by wearing headphones with long hair; furthermore, their dents irritate and damage hair. How to wear headphones with long hair?

There are many simplest tricks that people having long hair can use while working by wearing them to avoid annoyance, disturbance, and protection of hair from damage.

Wear Headphones With Long Hair

Let us start!

9 Tips For Wearing Headphones With Long Hair

People suggest many tricks, but the following 8 tips are the most effective and easiest ones for all those who keep asking how to wear headphones with long hair.

1. Increase The Length of Your Hair

If your hair length is medium, it is very difficult to protect them from headphones disturbance. Moreover, there are many chances of hair damage.

So if you are the type of person who has no problem with long hair, then go for them. Once your hair has enough length, it will be easy for you because long hair is easy to handle.

2. Become Bald

People with medium hair length are the biggest victims of the headphone’s hair and are the most irritated ones. So if you do not want to increase the length of your hair below the shoulder, then the second option is to remove them completely.

Go to the shop of a barber and shave your head. Now there will be nothing for teasing you. So whenever your hair length again becomes medium long, then shave them again and do not worry about looks.

3. Change Your Hairstyle

Suppose you are a person with long length and do not feel comfortable after wearing headphones. You feel irritated, and your hair becomes greasy and starts damaging. Then there is a crucial need to change the hairstyle.


The easiest one is to bind them and make a ponytail; then, they will not slide over your ears. If you do not like a ponytail, then the second most effective way is to make a bun of your hair and catches all your hair in the bun.

If you do not want to bind your hair completely, then For this, take the section of your hair close to the ears from both sides, move it backward, pin-up them there, and leave the remaining hair on your back.

4. Straighten your Hair

Straight hair is a bit easier to handle, but curly hair creates very much mess. So if you have long curly hair, it must be a target for you to control them while wearing headphones.

The easiest tricks are to bind them in a bun or in a ponytail, but if you want to keep them open, use a heated straightener, available in all homes and salons.

Take it and set the safe temperature on it, and pass your hair by making small partitions through it. The heat will straighten your hair, and it will become easy for you to handle them now.

5. Apply Gel on your Hair

People who are very conscious about their hair length and want to retain the previous hairstyle. This means if their hair length is medium and neither want to increase it, not cut it.

The most suitable solution is to apply hairstyling gel on your hair and set them so that they remain far away from your ears and you can wear your headset comfortably.

This is appropriate when you are going to the office because you can not apply the gel on your hair all the time as it damages the hair; moreover, quality hairstyling gels are very expensive.

6. Spray them with Water

So the economical method of setting hair far from ears is to apply water on our hair. Remove your headphones, spray water on your hair, style them towards the backside and away from your ears. Wear headphones again and start enjoying

But hair starts drying and moving here after some time again, spray the water and hold at their fixed positions. This method is very annoying and but economical.

7. Move Your Headphone Band

For people who don’t want to do anything but want to avoid headphone hair, this method is for them. Move the headband of your headphone towards your forehead then pushes it backward.

This will move your hair also towards the backside. But dry hair does not remain settled at a place for a long time. So after some, you will have to do this again. This how-to wear headphones with long hair.

8. Chose The Right Headphones

One favor you can do to your hair for wearing headphones comfortably is choosing the right headphones. These are the few things that people with long hair should keep in their minds.

  1. Lightweight

First of all, check its weight, and if it weighs less than 0.55lbs, choose it because headphones are heavier than it causes headphones’ hair; moreover, put pressure on the head.

  1. Padded Headband

Always choose a well-padded and cushioned headband that distributes its weight evenly, decreasing the pressure and clamping force on the user’s head and preventing headphone hair.

  1. Adjustable Headband

Please choose the one having sliding hinges at the side from where the headband can be tightened and loosened. So you can adjust it where you want and prevent your hair from damage.

9. Switch To Earbuds

If you do want to do any of these to your hair, then replaced them with earbuds. Because earbuds are worn inside the ears, and you can wear them with all kinds of hairs and enjoy yourself.

Wear Earbuds With Long Hair

Best of all, earbuds are more portable, weigh less, and give 100% relief to your head as you do not wear them on your head. So go to the market and buy the most suitable and affordable earbuds for yourself.

However, care must be taken because when we wear them for a long time without giving rest to our ears, heat gathers inside our ear canal, which causes infectious diseases in our ears and permanent hair loss.

So never increase the volume beyond the safe limit, and do not wear them for a long time. Must give your ears breaks for some time.

Final Words

This is all you can do to fix your hair if they are long and you have to wear headphones. These simple tricks help a lot and save your day from annoyance so you can completely focus on your work.

Hope so now you know how to wear headphones with long hair; however, if there is any confusion, then comment in the below comment section.

Mark James

Mark James is the Editor-in-Chief and the lead writer of Headphones Reviewss. Having more than 10 years of experience in reviewing headphones and music-related accessories, he knows all the bells and whistles that any music lover wants. Not only that, he is responsible for guiding and mentoring the editorial team at Headphones Reviewss. The best thing is, he ensures that all the information on this site is valuable before publishing.

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